Saturday, April 12, 2014

Major Churches & Denominations Join With NAMI In Faithnet Conference

You can Attend, Free!
The entire conference is now available, online.
   The Roman Catholic Church came to the pulpit of one of America's largest independent evangelical churches for a major renewed effort to provide awareness and support for people with mental illness.
   On March 28th, pastor & best-selling author, Rick Warren, joined with Bishop Kevin Vann and the Roman Catholic denomination, in a renewed effort to educate churches on how to assist individuals & families who face the challenges of mental illness.
   One year ago, Rick Warren's son ended his life after a decades-long struggle with chronic depression. It's an illness that Pastor Warren has also been inflicted with. In the aftermath, Warren has committed unprecedented resources to help prevent this kind of tragedy from being repeated while the church stays silent. That silence itself, is a form of stigma which dehumanizes and devalues the worth of individuals.
NAMI &The Roman Catholic Church join with major
Evangelical Churches,to produce the largest FaithNet
workshop NAMI has ever had.
   NAMI of Orange County provided a massive panel of speakers for a detailed and extensive offering of workshops and panels. Pastor Warren and Bishop Vann provided detailed biblical foundations for the mandate of churches to care for the afflicted.  Numerous physicians and social workers provided detailed training in methods which equip faith communities to confidently and compassionately  connect sufferers and their loved ones with resources, then help rebuild family life, productive capabilities, and social inclusion.
  Host, Saddleback Church, added  massive overflow tents to accommodate over 3000 attendees. Then they provided webcasts and online resources for another 30,000 web attendees who tuned in, live. In the weeks that followed, Saddleback also provided a full library of videos and workbooks, free of charge, for the public to continue to participate in a correspondence education format.
conference workbook
Conference Workbook

   NAMI encourages all faith communities to utilize resources like this, so sufferers of mental illness can find greater understanding and assistance from America's diverse faith communities. Churches play a key role in the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of mental illness; but proper training and resources have not always been available in the faith community. This recent development has the potential to save many lives, rebuild countless families, and restore the social framework of our society.

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