Time & Date:
- 7pm, Nov. 13, 2014
- Fellowship Congregational church,
- 2900 S. Harvard Ave.,
- Tulsa, OK
Then, Cassie Place will preview the newest education series for education and recovery, "Peer To Peer". Cassie is the state's newest trained P2P teacher. She will present an overview of the 10-week course designed for people in recovery of a mood disorder.
NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a recovery-focused educational program for adults who wish to establish and maintain wellness in response to mental health challenges. The course provides critical information and strategies related to living with mental illness.
Cassie will discuss the current goals for Peer To Peer and when the classes can be made available to people in Eastern Oklahoma.
Peer To Peer Course Outline |
What You Should Expect
- Ten two-hour sessions, free of charge.
- Designed for individuals (18 and over) living with mental illness.
- Taught by a trained team of individuals living in recovery from mental illness.
- Incorporates presentations, discussion and exercises.
Why You Should Attend
A toolkit of information
- Up-to-date research on brain biology.
- Mental illness symptoms and their relationship to personal experiences.
- Personalized relapse prevention plan.
- Tools to prepare for interactions with health care providers.
- Skills for making decisions and reducing stress.
Wisdom from shared experiences
This peer-led course provides a confidential place to learn from shared experiences in an environment of sincere, uncritical acceptance. No specific medication or medical therapy is endorsed or recommended. Our Core Philosophy informs the course’s approach.
Participation in the course gives you an opportunity to gain tangible resources – personalized plans, strategies for potential events in the future and information – as well as a deeper understanding of your personal recovery process.
Core Philosophy
- We have more in common than not.
- We are all experts on our own experience.
- We respect individual experiences and individual choices.
- We are free to choose our own path.
- There is no one true way to do or be anything.