The many classes and groups of NAMI Tulsa will gather on August 14th for a Reunion Potluck dinner and social.
For more than 15 years, NAMI Tulsa has been a great way to gain the support and and insights of Green Country friends and neighbors who share your families unique challenges.
Perhaps you've taken a class, come to our meetings, benefited from a support group, or joined with us to further the cause of recovery from mental illness.
This dinner is a celebration of you! Your courage, your persistence in caring, your willingness to become a part of America's largest mental health advocacy movement.
Please join us a 7pm Thursday, August 14th. We will dine in the cool facilities of Fellowship Congregational Church.
Please bring a dish to share as you are able. The many class groups and support groups will enjoy getting to see you, again. Invite your whole household and celebrate with us.
We've set up a simple RSVP online form here, so you can let us know how many will be accompanying you.
If you'd rather, you may call our office[918-587-6264], and either leave a message or find out more details.